Thursday, September 01, 2011

ScoutMob- From A Restaurant's POV. Is It Worth It?

Sure from a customer's point of view ScoutMob, Groupon and other digital coupon aggregators are a great idea, but what about the businesses that participate in these free for alls?  What benefits are lasting?  And does it ultimately cost more than it's worth?

First let me say, that yes I have used a ScoutMob deal a few times but mostly at places I already patronized. Of course, it's also an incentive to try places you may have never been.  Reading through, the  feedback from restaurant participants, some key issues kept emerging:
  • Capacity Issues-  Be warned if you as a restaurant owner partake of a ScoutMob deal you will in all likelihood be SWAMPED.  As the boy scouts say, "Be prepared".  Buy extra inventory, increase staffing and available seating if at all possible.
  • Wam, Bam, Thank You Mam-  Many restaurant owners complained that most patrons cashing in on the ScoutMob deals were one hit wonders and would not make a return visit at regular prices.  I say if you make the Scout Mob experience an excellent one, people will come back.  ScoutMob gets them in the door but it's ultimately up to you and your staff to keep them coming back.
So is ScoutMob a, blessing or a curse? I'd like to hear from both restaurant owners and restaurant goers.  Let me know what you think!

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