Thursday, October 20, 2011

No pain, No gain- Orgain That Is

I am not a breakfast person.  Especially on mornings when I am rushing to get my son to school and myself to work.  I could also stand to loose a few pounds.  So lately I have taken to consuming protein shakes in the morning as an alternate to breakfast and hopefully a conduit to weight loss since protein is more filling and will stave off hunger longer than a carb laden meal.

I've tried SlimFast, Chocolate Royale is my favorite and evidently everyone else's since it seems to never be in stock when I go shopping.  I've tried the Special K protein shakes, finding both milk and dark chocolate to be palatable.  These seemed to keep me satiated for an hour or two but nowhere near the 4 hours Special K claims.  And by lunch I was so hungry it was unbelievable.

Not too long ago, flipping through Women's Health magazine, I came across Orgain.  Orgain is a totally organic protein shake developed by a doctor while he was undergoing cancer treatment.  It seems his appetite was poor and he was looking for something to consume that was easy, tasted good, was healthy and provided sustenance.  Thus, the birth of Orgain.  Boasting 16 grams of protein, natural sweetener (cane juice) and green tea extracts, which have been known to be conducive to weight loss, I was sold and promptly ordered a case of the Creamy Chocolate Fudge flavor (12 drinks) from the Vitamin Shoppe.

First, let me say Orgain is not cheap.  A case was $33. Way more than Slimfast or Special K. Next, the taste was not the best, even though folks had raved over the Internet about the chocolate flavor.  Granted none of the protein shakes I have drank were particularly yummy, but Orgain left a peculiar after taste in my mouth that I'm still trying to figure out.  Now the BIG question?  Did it keep me hunger free?  I have to admit it does prove to be more filling than either Slimfast or Special K.  One weird side effect though was I had to pee noticeable more, which may be a good thing.  Perhaps all that organic goodness is removing toxins from my system, who knows?

And the verdict?  I will definitely finish my case and will probably continuing drinking it although the price may be a deterrent.  Visit their website and try one for yourself.  I would love to know what other folks think, so please leave your comments.

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